Sunday, April 12, 2015

Day 17: Kulgera to Mt Ebenezer

Lew, Theo and Jane all left first today around 7.30 am and the last two to leave were around 8.15 am. Everyone seemed concerned re-water supplies even though we have 3 full water containers of rainwater and bore water in the tank under the truck. I had to reassure a couple of the riders a number of times during the day. Not sure what has stirred this up except it may be due to the signs around Kulgera roadhouse saying “ Don’t drink the water- buy bottled water at the SHOP”. Bore water is the only water we will get from now on till after Broome so they better get used to it. I have found it best if you mix it half/half with rainwater if possible. I don’t like bore water boiled for cups of tea.

Today we turned west down the road to Uluru. Exciting as Cycle Across Oz has never been down this way before. Morning tea was at 43 km mark on the side of the road. Annie is struggling today with leg cramps and she is bringing up the rear. Lunch was at Erldunda where we all got our first lot of reception for a couple of days. Everyone was quite anti-social receiving  and sending emails to loved ones. Food was quite expensive with coffee once again costing $7.00 a mug. Caged emus at the roadhouse and Kirsten thought she saw some dingoes in the bush. Annies cramps were worsening so I hung around out on the road to make sure she came in OK. She was consciously drinking heaps, taking magnesium tablets and powders but nothing seemed to be helping.

She was still cramping after lunch so Mark decided to ride with her from drinks stop till Mt Ebenezer. Mt Ebenezer is visually dismal and had been closed down for 2 years before a company buying the leasehold and trying to bring it back to life. They will apparently hand it back to the aborigines once they are out of financial difficulties. Theo was first in today.

Just behind where Collis and I were camped was a cemetery which was approximately 100 metres away.

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