An unbelievable sunrise this morning that went on for absolute ages. It was impossible to actually capture the colours and it’s expanse. Theo has been our official photographer on the last two legs and we will miss his expertise for the rest of the trip.
Morning tea at a rest area around 53 ams with fruit cake, chocolate biscuits, chocolate vanilla flavoured min ties and starburst lolly pops.
This is where I left the riders as I raced towards the airport for the imminent arrival of my daughter and grand daughter. Collis took them into Uluru and that’s where I caught up with them again. We now have 5 full days off before the next leg begins.
Annie & Mark hired a car and went to the Olgas tonight and then off to Kings Canyon tomorrow where Annie will leave Mark before heading home and then flying to South Africa on holiday. Mark will then catch up with the others and getting a lift back to Uluru. Jane, Gareth & Kirsten splashed out on a sunset meal at Uluru before taking off to Kings Canyon on Tuesday for a couple of days before returning to Uluru on Thursday. Theo finishes this leg here and his wife is arriving tomorrow and they will travel around the area before heading home. Lew is going to hang around Uluru for the five days and hopes to ride around the rock.
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