Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Day 5: Margaret River to Pemberton

We have found a few back roads for the riders to take today. The scenery is just magnificent even if we are all cold. The days eventually warm up after morning tea but if the wind picks up then it has a fair bit of chill in it. Dennis told us today that he is rethinking his choice of ride because of the cold and he is worried that it may rain soon. I have reassured him that he can get in the car if it rains and told him not to make any brash decisions. We've had 1 day of rain all the way around so hopefully our good luck continues.
All of us got into Pemberton by 3.30/4 pm. Jacquei and Fran were struggling on the last section as the hills got higher and longer and thought about calling it quits but they kept going. Fran was pretty well shattered so he took a bunk room and shared with Adam ( a polish cyclist that we ran into at lunchtime). Everyone had struggled and they were all tired. 

Doug likes to study the maps and he continually comes up with a new route, so he and Collis spend alot of time discussing our daily distance and travelling times. Tomorrows route has been changed so that we have less kms and hopefully not as many hills.

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